Monday, September 24, 2018

I'm a 4

I recently discovered the Enneagram Personality Test.  Have you heard of it?  I'm borderline obsessed! lol I have learned so much about myself & found a freedom I haven't had or felt in a long time!  When I got back my test results & discovered my "type" it was as if a cloud was blown away & a light shined down & I remembered who I was.  I remembered the person I was before everything started falling apart. Before depression & anxiety became my main companions.  Before loneliness & gluttony were the only ways I knew that I was even still alive.  Before I had children & the little bit I did have had to go to them.  Before all the years of loss my family experienced started. And before I decided to go on medication to bring me out of the darkness for the last time.  I am finally going to get out of this depression & I am believe that knowing my Enneagram type is going to be a major key in helping me do that.  Other major players of course will be Jesus, my Bible, my Zoloft & this blog.  This blog is going to be my outlet.  I'm bringing it back to old school blogging with the purpose of sharing & connecting. For now, this is for me to share how the Lord is working in me.